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• 310 Good jokes
• 960 Funny names

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USA Independence day Smiley

July, 4th, Independence...

4th july smiley Independence day Independence day

smiley 4th july smiley Independence day

Independence day smiley 4th july 4th july

Etat-Unis, USA Independence day...

Independence day 4th july smiley

Independence 4th july 4 juillet smiley 4th july

Independence smiley 4th july smiley

See also :


North America (Travel)   ---> 

North America

Adventure (Cow-boy, Indians)   ---> 


Comics Super Heros   ---> 

Fantasy 1

Not Lol but Lulz !


 • Laugh :

Q :   Where do polar bears vote ?
A :   The North Poll.

Q :   What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper ?
A :   Ribbon hood.

Q :   Why do birds fly south for the winter ?
A :   Because it's to far to walk.

Q :   What was wrong with the boy's brand new toy electric train set he received for Christmas ?
A :   Forty feet of track - all straight !

Q :   What kind of bird can write ?
A :   A PENguin.

Q :   How does Al Gore's household keep Christmas politically correct ?
A :   On Christmas morning, they give the presents TO the tree.

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Roy L.Flush