Smiley of the Day :

Smiley totally free

Smiley News :


• 11200 Smileys
• 200 categories
• 315 Bananas
• 310 Good jokes
• 960 Funny names

  •  300 % Free •



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You can search for any smiley very easily by typing your words.
Examples : pets, shy gif, mad smiley...

Fantasy (3) Super Heroes and Movies

Marvel Super heroes...

superhero smiley spiderman

wolverine batman energy comics hero

power smiley carnivorous

Movie, Matrix, Predator, Machines...

matrix smiley matrix smiley
fight smiley predator firestarter fantastic
machine ghostbuster horrible

See also :

 Fantastic and Fantasy 1   --->  Fantasy 2 Supernatural and Comics  •  
Fantasy 3 Super Heroes and Movies

Not Lol but Lulz !


 • Laugh :

The woman seated herself in the psychiatrists office. "What seems to be the problem !" the doctor asked.

"Well, I, uh," she stammered. "I think I, uh, might be a nymphomaniac."

"I see," he said. "I can help you, but I must advise you that my fee is $80 an hour."

"That's not bad," she replied. "How much for all night !"

smiley face and gif


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Tess Tickle