Smiley of the Day :

Smiley totally free

Smiley News :


• 11200 Smileys
• 200 categories
• 315 Bananas
• 310 Good jokes
• 960 Funny names

  •  300 % Free •



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You can search for any smiley very easily by typing your words.
Examples : pets, shy gif, mad smiley...

Smiley for Forum, Chat...

Forum, message, help...

smiley topic newbie

smiley forum smiley smiley blah

smiley smiley newbe

bye off topic help response smiley

Topic, heavy, noob, exit...

smiley up censored help

chained smiley noob heavy

forum forum out smiley

See also :

Computer  --->  Internet  •   Down and Virus  •  
Forum 1  •   Forum 2  •   Lol 1  •   Lol 2  •   Banners and Signs  •  

Not Lol but Lulz !


All  the  Lol  names :

♥  	Mel Ted Cheese	  ♥  	Iona Bigyot	
◊   Justin Credible   •   Jeff Kndy
♥   Pete Zaria   •   Taylor Wrinkled
◊   Yuri Pulsive   ♥   Rock Enrol
♥   Bart Ender   •   Ima Loser
◊   Uma Ghosh   ♥   Ann Chovie
♥   Hart Attack   •   Rhoda Booke
◊   Shirley Knot   ♥   Jenna Rozity
smiley face and gif


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My favorite smiley

animated smiley
Will U.Marryme