Smiley of the Day :

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• 11200 Smileys
• 200 categories
• 315 Bananas
• 310 Good jokes
• 960 Funny names

  •  300 % Free •



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Examples : pets, shy gif, mad smiley...

Be in love Heart (4)

Amour, warmth, love, loving you...

cupid lovers smiley

lovers smiley tenderness in love

smiley heart smiley love u

Love is everywhere, tenderness, fondness...

smiley cupid smiley

smiley fondness smiley tenderness smiley

tenderness smiley fondness smiley fondness

for ever sand romantic

See also :

 Chat-up 1   --->  Chat-up 2  •   Chat-up 3  •   Chat-up 4  •   Chat-up 5
 Heart and Love 1   --->  Heart 2  •   Heart 3  •   Heart 4
Heart 5  •   Heart 6  •   Valentine 1  •   Valentine 2

Gay  •   Marriage 1  •   Marriage 2

Not Lol but Lulz !

 • Lulz !

A husband and his blonde wife were in bed asleep. About 2 AM they both awoke to the neighbors dog barking extremely loudly...

After lying there for the next 30 minutes unable to go to sleep, she tells her husband to go do something about the barking dog. He tells her he has tried to tell the dog to be quiet before and the dog always continues to bark !

There's nothing HE can do...

After another 15 minutes of barking, in frustration, the blonde wife retorts,"Well, if you won't do anything, I WILL !"

She jumps out of bed and disappears outside. A few minutes later she is back in bed.

The husband sat up in bed, and still hears the dog barking.

He asks, "I thought you said you could fix the barking problem... I still hear him barking !"

She replies, "I DID fix the problem ! I tied the dog in OUR yard !


smiley face and gif


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My favorite smiley

animated smiley
Willie Maykit