Smiley of the Day :

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• 11200 Smileys
• 200 categories
• 315 Bananas
• 310 Good jokes
• 960 Funny names

  •  300 % Free •



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Examples : pets, shy gif, mad smiley...

Smileys Get Married - 2

Marriage, the dress, Yes, the big day...

smiley love smiley Marriage
smiley betrothal smiley yes
smiley flowers chin Marriage

photo, big love, get married, ring, for ever...

married marry smiley
love smiley church diamant
promise smiley flowers smiley

See also :

 Chat-up 1   --->  Chat-up 2  •   Chat-up 3  •   Chat-up 4  •   Chat-up 5
 Heart and Love 1   --->  Heart 2  •   Heart 3  •   Heart 4
Heart 5  •   Heart 6  •   Valentine 1  •   Valentine 2

Gay  •   Marriage 1  •   Marriage 2

Not Lol but Lulz !


 • Laugh :

A pheasant says to a bull, "I would love to get on top of that tree, but I haven't the energy."

"Well," says the bull, "why don't you eat some of my dung ? It's packed with nutrients."

So the pheasant eats some dung and finds that it gives him enough energy to get to the first branch.
The next day, he eats some more and gets to the next branch. This cycle continues for a week. Finally, the pheasant is at the top of the tree, where he is spotted by the farmer, who shoots him with a shotgun.

Moral of the Story : bullsh*t might take you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

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Juan Mortime